27 June 2006

the live CD experience

So. For this assignment I used the older Gnoppix CD, which uses Ubuntu and the Gnome interface. A live CD contains an operating system, enabling a user to boot and use the computer without accessing the hard drive or any permanent memory. Crazy tiny screen resolution (640x480) aside, I found the experience differed less than I expected from the usual hard driven Interweb session, with a few notable exceptions:

1. It took awhile to get started. I followed the instructions on the back of the CD, which proceeded well until I tried to change the default language and location settings. My boot failed, and I had to start again: this time I touched nothing, and it behaved more predictably.
2. It was slow. This may be an issue of age, as I was using an older version of Gnoppix.
3. I couldn't print. This was annoying, but is a result of our specific lab situation--printing is possible from Gnoppix.
4. Most live CD's are based on Linux, which may come as a shock for the technically challenged whose exposure is more or less limited to Windows. This could lead to dysphoria in many public (and other) library users--the pull-down menu labels are unfamiliar to Windows users, and a number of shortcut icons are also different (Firefox was represented by a globe rather than its usual swirlygig).

While the live CD certainly offers a more secure public access environment, based on my own experience I have to wonder how much technical support would be required for an average library user to navigate its use.

30 May 2006

allo et bienvenue

So. The purpose of this blog is to discuss LIS 525 related issues, which revolve around blogging this week. At the moment I'm not sure what belongs on a blog--I think many people blog for the sake of doing so, without having something all that interesting to say. The challenge seems to be creating enough skillful executed content to keep 'em coming back. I imagine this might be easier for an organization such as a corporation or a library, but I'm not sure how much that differs from what might be found in on their website under 'news' or various forums. Then again, some of us are leading more interesting lives than others...

I also feel a little uncomfortable publishing my ongoing thoughts for all the world (such as that which finds my blog) to see.

I do also have a life, although I don't see it much these days, what with library school and all. I'm using this picture of my dog Farley as my avatar so I don't forget I own him.